
Martin Zalba’s World

Martin Zalba’s images are quite unique as he defined a very strong style over the years. Here are some samples of his work and if you want to know more about him, read his long interview andenjoy a strong portfolio in Shades of Grey Fine Art Photography magazine N°7


I am an amateur photographer who evolves in the way we see the world and how to reflect it personally. Photography helps me to put my personal evolution, aesthetic sense, capture the emotions and feelings that I try to convey through an image that captures specific moments of my life. Photography is the supplement of my other passion: music composition. I’ve always written my music by associating pictures, listening colors, lights and shadows and my picture happens the same way: try to express through it the silence that speaks in the atmosphere of the night, and my melodies want to evoke memories trapped in a beautiful sunset, evoke the impressionistic vagueness of imaginary worlds infrared, discover the intimacy of a cadence that looks at the macro and architectural photography because music is a building of sounds and both arts are very present in my creative search.

I want to highlight a very important place for photography as part of my artistic life as in music (my profession and passion). I think it’s necessary to make periodic breaks because you have to renew, study other artists and expand and refresh the mind. Otherwise we do same thing in different ways. There comes a time when it no longer moves more. At least that’s what happens to me and why I periodically alternate photography and composition. I am now disappeared in the composition after a year of intense activity. After 20 consecutive years of musical creation, I saw the need to be almost 8 years without composing and break came in handy because then I continued with renewed ideas and above all, more mature (at least I think so). I consider photography in the same way: as an art in which the creator has its creative processes of maturation and rest. So I quit temporarily when I see that my creativity stagnates. I am not satisfied with being a mere amateur photographer, I look for something else.

Robert Doisneau

Du 15 octobre 2023 au 28 avril 2024, le musée de la Résistance nationale à Champigny-sur-Marne rendra hommage au célèbre photographe Robert Doisneau. Fruit du partenariat entre l’Association des Amis du Musée de la Résistance à Champigny-sur-Marne (AAMRN) et l’Atelier...

Ombres Chinoises

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Famille au Grand Coeur

Le 17 mai 2023 à 20h au Gazette Café (6 rue Levat à Montpellier), l'association "Famille au grand cœur", fondée en 2021 par des jeunes LGBT demandeurs d'asile ou réfugiés, présentera à la presse et au grand public l'exposition "Ombres et Latitudes" composée des...

Une histoire photographique des femmes au XXe siècle

Front populaire. Défilé du syndicat C.G.T. des femmes de ménage, laveurs de carreaux, etc. Paris, 14 juillet 1936. ©Collection Roger-Viollet / Roger-ViolletLa Galerie Roger-Viollet présente du 26 janvier au 25 mars 2023 l’exposition Une Histoire Photographique des...

Julia Margaret Cameron

Julia Margaret Cameron: Pioneering 19th-Century Photographer and Visionary Artist Julia Margaret Cameron, born Julia Margaret Pattle in Calcutta, India, on June 11, 1815, is considered one of the greatest portrait photographers of the 19th century[1]. She was...

Michael Kenna. Rivesaltes

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