
Portraits of Humanity

© Jacob Aue Sobol / Magnum Photos

British Journal of Photography, together with Magnum Photos, are calling photographers from around the world to enter



We believe that there is more that unites us than sets us apart. Portrait of Humanity is a new initiative, aiming to create one of the most far-reaching collaborative photography exhibitions in history. The Portrait of Humanity photography award is focused on capturing the many faces of humanity. Inspired by individuality, community, and unity, it is a unique opportunity for photographers and individuals to celebrate our existence through the power of photography. 

We want to get an insight into the lives of people from across the globe; to capture laughter, courage, and sorrow, moments of reflection, journeys to work, first hellos, last goodbyes, and everything that happens in between. Entries are open to everyone, and to all interpretations of portraiture; self-portraits, group pictures, street photography. Share with us your depiction of humanity. 

© Jacob Aue Sobol / Magnum Photos


  • 200 longlisted images will be featured in the Portrait of Humanity Book
  • 50 shortlisted images will be exhibited at various locations around the world from September – December 2019
  • 3 finalists will share $10,000 in grant awards to create projects that explore their interpretations of humanity
  • All longlisted, shortlisted and winning photographers will receive extensive international press coverage
  • The chance to be interviewed and featured on BJP-Online 

Key Dates

  • Calls Open: 6 September
  • Calls Close: 11 December
  • Touring Global Exhibition: September – December 2019 


© Newsha Tavakolian / Magnum Photos

© Alessandra Sanguinetti / Magnum Photos

© Newsha Tavakolian, Magnum Photos

Robert Doisneau

Du 15 octobre 2023 au 28 avril 2024, le musée de la Résistance nationale à Champigny-sur-Marne rendra hommage au célèbre photographe Robert Doisneau. Fruit du partenariat entre l’Association des Amis du Musée de la Résistance à Champigny-sur-Marne (AAMRN) et l’Atelier...

Ombres Chinoises

 ébrant soixante ans d’échanges diplomatiques entre la France et la République populaire de Chine, « Ombres chinoises. Sous l’œil des diplomates », présentée au Château de Tours du 24 novembre 2023 au 26 mai 2024, met en lumière les œuvres de deux grands photographes,...

Famille au Grand Coeur

Le 17 mai 2023 à 20h au Gazette Café (6 rue Levat à Montpellier), l'association "Famille au grand cœur", fondée en 2021 par des jeunes LGBT demandeurs d'asile ou réfugiés, présentera à la presse et au grand public l'exposition "Ombres et Latitudes" composée des...

Une histoire photographique des femmes au XXe siècle

Front populaire. Défilé du syndicat C.G.T. des femmes de ménage, laveurs de carreaux, etc. Paris, 14 juillet 1936. ©Collection Roger-Viollet / Roger-ViolletLa Galerie Roger-Viollet présente du 26 janvier au 25 mars 2023 l’exposition Une Histoire Photographique des...

Julia Margaret Cameron

Julia Margaret Cameron: Pioneering 19th-Century Photographer and Visionary Artist Julia Margaret Cameron, born Julia Margaret Pattle in Calcutta, India, on June 11, 1815, is considered one of the greatest portrait photographers of the 19th century[1]. She was...

Michael Kenna. Rivesaltes

80 ans après le départ depuis Rivesaltes de 2289 hommes, femmes et enfants juifs en 9 convois vers Auschwitz-Birkenau, le Mémorial du camp de Rivesaltes a souhaité mettre en lumière la place particulière de l’ancien camp Joffre, « Drancy de la zone Sud », dans le...

Nikos Aliagas. Regards Vénitiens


The Merge

The Merge explores and visually interprets the possibility that our reality does not exist as we believe it to, but that instead we live inside a simulation.

Philosophers have been questioning our perception of reality since Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. This existential discussion gained new interest in 2003 when Oxford University philosopher, Nick Bostrom, published “The Simulation Argument”, which argues that life on earth could indeed be a computer simulation.

Since then, academic debate has been raging and multiple high-ranking technological specialists, such as Tesla founder Elon Musk, have publicly confessed to the theory. Elon Musk’s reasoning is based on the exponential haste in which artificial intelligence is developing. It will not be long before we are able to create perfect simulations of our own experienced reality. This leads people to speculate that if we can create perfect simulations, then we might only be programs inside a simulation run by others.


The Merge visually entertains the simulation theory. It artistically investigates the consequences that supercomputers, artificial intelligence and robots might have on our future society. By looking at interactions between man and machine, it explores how this accelerated digitized paradigm will affect our emotional, social and moral norms. 

The project employs an array of photographic tools to explore  how human existence could change as we move rapidly towards a point in history where physical and digital worlds may become so intertwined, that it will be impossible to distinguish between the two.  

Now is the time to document how the revolution of artificial intelligence and robotics may be rapidly changing our world. The Merge aims to debate the subject’s complexity, and the images balance realism and imagination, leaving space for multiple interpretations, and engaging a dialogue with the audience about the landscape of our future; If life is a simulation, where should we look to understand the world we live in?


Peter Helles Eriksen (1984), Sara Brincher Galbiati (1981) and Tobias Selnaes Markussen (1982) are all based in Copenhagen, Denmark. 

In 2015 they formed an artistic collective, which finds inspiration in documenting issues founded on theories and first-person accounts, rather than fact.. When collecting their complex material, the collective is influenced by anthropological methods.   The collective had their first international solo show in 2016 (Rencontres d’Arles), which coincided with the release of their book Phenomena. They have been nominated for Prix de la Photo Madame Figaro and are presented in the collection of Musée Réattu.

Robert Doisneau

Du 15 octobre 2023 au 28 avril 2024, le musée de la Résistance nationale à Champigny-sur-Marne rendra hommage au célèbre photographe Robert Doisneau. Fruit du partenariat entre l’Association des Amis du Musée de la Résistance à Champigny-sur-Marne (AAMRN) et l’Atelier...

Ombres Chinoises

 ébrant soixante ans d’échanges diplomatiques entre la France et la République populaire de Chine, « Ombres chinoises. Sous l’œil des diplomates », présentée au Château de Tours du 24 novembre 2023 au 26 mai 2024, met en lumière les œuvres de deux grands photographes,...

Famille au Grand Coeur

Le 17 mai 2023 à 20h au Gazette Café (6 rue Levat à Montpellier), l'association "Famille au grand cœur", fondée en 2021 par des jeunes LGBT demandeurs d'asile ou réfugiés, présentera à la presse et au grand public l'exposition "Ombres et Latitudes" composée des...

Une histoire photographique des femmes au XXe siècle

Front populaire. Défilé du syndicat C.G.T. des femmes de ménage, laveurs de carreaux, etc. Paris, 14 juillet 1936. ©Collection Roger-Viollet / Roger-ViolletLa Galerie Roger-Viollet présente du 26 janvier au 25 mars 2023 l’exposition Une Histoire Photographique des...

Julia Margaret Cameron

Julia Margaret Cameron: Pioneering 19th-Century Photographer and Visionary Artist Julia Margaret Cameron, born Julia Margaret Pattle in Calcutta, India, on June 11, 1815, is considered one of the greatest portrait photographers of the 19th century[1]. She was...

Michael Kenna. Rivesaltes

80 ans après le départ depuis Rivesaltes de 2289 hommes, femmes et enfants juifs en 9 convois vers Auschwitz-Birkenau, le Mémorial du camp de Rivesaltes a souhaité mettre en lumière la place particulière de l’ancien camp Joffre, « Drancy de la zone Sud », dans le...

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