
The Art of Black & White Editing

A great new processing course by Aaron Dowling

The Art of Black & White Editing is a brand new video workshop from ADP Pro. Over the past 8 months we have had the concept for a video workshop on B&W editing in mind. Over the past month we’ve combined all of our thoughts on what makes a great B&W, and have put all of that together into this brand new video workshop.


The workshop has 5 hours of HD video, covering:

  • What makes a great Black & White image. We look at the elements of great B&W images and look at the work of a few great photographers and attempt to break them down.
  • We show many techniques to convert your images to monochrome, including: Camera Raw / Lightroom, adjustment layers in Photoshop, and plugins.
  • We discuss when to convert your images to Black and White & Why, making sure we get the cleanest and best results.
  • Then we combine all of that into 4 full image edits, where we apply those techniques and much more.

We use many tools throughout the editing process to achieve our final results. Luminosity Masks are used during the edits, but are only 1 tool in the workflow. Regardless of what tools or products you use to create luminosity masks this workshop is still relevant. Even if you don’t use them at all, you will still get a great deal from this workshop.

Included in your purchase is:

  • 13 HD Videos (5 hours), download or watch online.
  • 5 image files used in the workshop.

If you’ve always wanted to create high impact black and white images and wanted to know the tricks photographers use to create their stunning images, this is the workshop for you.

You can find all the details here: http://www.adppro.com/the-art-of-black-and-white-editing/

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